
Phoenix Veritas KelleyI’m Phoenix, and this is the website that functions as an umbrella for services that I currently offer.

I’ve been offering my work online since 2007, and I’ve been a web designer, a graphics designer, a marketing consultant, a UX consultant, and an occasional teacher.

My personal beliefs are summed up really well in my Code of Ethics. I write, offer, and work from these first principles.

Transmogrifier Media is the umbrella business for my work, which right now includes death doula work and other deathworker offerings, for those planning for their one-day death, for those currently in active dying, for those in the circle of coming or present grief around the dying person, and for those of you whose most important need is advocacy on their behalf with the medical system and potentially with family of origin who do not understand who you are.

I’ve deeply enjoyed most of the work I’ve done over the years.

Pivoting from online business to in-person IT engineering work to deciding to train and pursue work as a death doula is kind of a lot.

Pivoting to death doula work during a global pandemic was not on any of my imaginary bingo cards. I am an immunocompromised person, so this puts boundaries around my ability to do in-person work that I don’t necessarily like. But because of the nature of death doula work, I can do plenty of support from my workspace at home. My deathwork + griefwork services are offered through my business Ever On And On. You can click that link to explore what I might do for you or someone you love.